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B Line Project

B Line planning phase engagement  

In 2019 and 2020, Metro Transit held several public meetings and sought public feedback to inform the creation of the Draft Corridor Plan, which was released in February 2021.   

In early 2021, we engaged the public and asked for feedback on the Draft Corridor Plan. More than 650 comments were submitted during the Draft B Line Corridor Plan comment period. Due to COVID-19 protocols, nearly all comments were submitted via email, with a smaller number of comments submitted as part of limited in-person conversations along the corridor or by phone. 

Staff continued to engage the public through the Recommended Corridor Plan process across the summer of 2021, which involved direct door-to-door focused engagement with “station neighbors”– people who live, work, own, or use space adjacent to proposed B Line station locations. During this phase, 160 additional comments were collected. 

In total, Metro Transit received over 2,500 comments across the project’s planning phase. These were essential in forming the Corridor Plan. 

Read a summary report of engagement and what we heard

Here are ways you can learn more and participate:    

  • Watch this video about the B Line  

  • View the station locations

  • Host a virtual meeting with your group or organization by contacting project staff 

  • Subscribe to B Line Update and get project news delivered to your inbox. 


Project fact sheets are available in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. If you need materials in a different format or additional language, please contact

an image depicting B Line project materials out in various community locations