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Commuter Programs

Who we are

Metro Transit Commuter Programs serves Twin Cities employers, institutions, developers and commuters. Our work is funded by a Congestion and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant from the Federal Highway Administration. We promote all transportation options that reduce single-occupancy vehicle travel in our region. Our staff is ready to help you.

  • Create policies and programs that promote sustainable commuting
  • Educate employees about their transportation options
  • Ensure your worksite is designed with sustainable commuters in mind
  • Receive local and national recognition for your work

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Why choose Commuter Programs?

For your Company 

In the Twin Cities, more than 75 percent of the 25 largest employers offer sustainable commuting incentives to their employees through discounted transit passes, preferred parking for carpools and subsidies for vanpooling. Smart companies know the key to attracting and retaining the best talent  is through a better commute. 

Sustainable options are better for the bottom line. A recent change to tax law has forced many employers to estimate the true cost of providing free or subsidized parking for employees. By investing in less expensive commute options, companies can reduce their tax burden, better manage parking demand and transform car storage into revenue-generating assets.

Sustainable commuters are likely to be happier, more productive employees. Employees’ commute impacts how they feel when they get to work and how productive they will be throughout the day. Studies have shown drivers have the most stressful commutes, while active commuters report higher rates of well-being. Other options, like telecommuting, have been shown to boost productivity and job satisfaction

For the Community

When more commuters use sustainable modes during peak hours, congestion and air quality improves for everyone. Every person on a bus, in a carpool or vanpool, or on a bike is one less car on the road during peak commuting hours. Employer policies and programs have a significant impact on workers’ decision to drive alone, share the ride or telecommute, making them key stakeholders in the regional effort to manage congestion and improve air quality.

Congestion hurts our most vulnerable communities the most. Congested traffic corridors, like I-94 through Minneapolis and St. Paul, show higher levels of air pollution; vehicle emissions in these areas contribute to higher asthma hospitalization rates, particularly among the elderly, children and people with chronic health conditions.

Employer-provided commute benefits create greater access to opportunity for low-income workers and young people. Owning a vehicle can cost up to $8,000 year; that’s out of reach for many low-income workers or young people struggling with college debt. Recent investments in our transit system have proven to increase access to jobs in the region. Employers who invest in sustainable commuting help employees save money and improve their economic outlook.

For the Future

Reducing vehicle emissions is critical to the survival of our planet. Car and truck traffic creates more pollution than power plants in Minnesota. It will take changes to both big policies and individual behavior for us to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change.

Sustainable commuting improves public health outcomes. Studies have shown that sedentary, car-oriented lifestyles contribute to higher rates of diabetes, obesity and other associated diseases. Conversely, bicycling, walking, and traveling by transit help individuals meet the recommended amount of daily physical activity.

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Help for employers and organizations

Metro Transit and the region’s Transportation Management Organizations (TMOs) work with employers and community groups, promoting ways to get around while creating less congestion and cleaning the air. Outreach specialists can provide information about transit pass programs, ridesharing services, or incentive programs, among other choices. Employers, we can even come to your worksite for commuter fairs and, based on your needs, we will customize a plan to move you toward a smarter commuting future.

Employers: Click here to help employees and customers access your business without feeling the pain of road construction.

Move MN logo

Serves St. Paul

Move Minneapolis - Downtown Minneapolis TMO

Serves downtown Minneapolis

494 Commuter Services

Serves Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, and Richfield

Anoka County TMO

Serves Anoka County