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TOD Developer Tools and Resources

Development opportunity sites on Metropolitan Council land

The TOD Office helps to implement the Metropolitan Council's TOD Policy by arranging and facilitating development opportunities on land owned by the Metropolitan Council. The TOD Office completed a development site prioritization process on all properties owned by the Metropolitan Council located within a half-mile of transitways. Through the application of the four Metropolitan Council TOD Policy Goals and coordination with cities and counties along the transitways, top priority sites were identified.

Additionally, the TOD Office welcomes all development inquiries and proposals on all sites not identified as high-priority, including locations along the future METRO Blue Line and Green Line Extensions, as well as other Metropolitan Council property.​

Developer’s Guide to Transit Oriented Development

The TOD Office created a Developer’s Guide to Transit Oriented Development (TOD). This Guide is designed to support developers pursuing opportunities for TOD, as well as aid in the planning of high quality projects. Save time and money while creating a valuable, profitable TOD by reviewing this Guide.

> Download the Developer’s Guide to TOD

Publicly-owned land along transitways

Learn more about development opportunities by clicking below on the interactive ArcGIS Online web map that identifies publicly-owned land along active and pending transitways in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region.

> Access the TOD Office’s free publicly-owned land web map
Create a free ArcGIS account to access tools and to create, save and share your own maps

> Access the GIS layer itself (for use with ArcGIS software)

Questions or ideas to improve the database? Refer to the User's Guide or simply contact the TOD Office. 

Other resources

TOD Funding Guide – 2020

> Equitable Development Scorecard: Developed by the Harrison Neighborhood Association in Minneapolis, the Scorecard was created to make sure that the principles and practices of equitable development, environmental justice and affordability are available to all communities as they plan for economic development and wealth creation that benefits everyone.

> Metropolitan Council TOD Guide

> Rail~Volution Resources

> University of Minnesota – Center for Transportation Studies’ Research Resources

Development Opportunity Sites on Metropolitan Council Land

Learn about development opportunities in Eden Prairie


TOD from the developer’s perspective – it works!

“Ebenezer chose to build TowerLight on Wooddale - Senior Living in its location for a variety of reasons. One major selling point that we love about the area is that the community is so close to the SWLRT Corridor ... We’re excited to be able to incorporate this new, more sustainable way of transportation throughout the Twin Cities Metro Area, and experience the benefits it will bring to our daily lives.”
Susan Farr, Ebenezer Management Company

“Strong transit-oriented development creates a healthy mix of uses that balance living, working, playing and learning. Mixed-use development requires more planning and risk management, but is essential to leverage public investment in transit infrastructure.”
– Chris Velasco, Co-Founder of PLACE