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Marketing Partnership Form

Thank you for your event partnership proposal!

A Metro Transit Marketing team member will review your proposal in the coming week and will respond to you by email about its acceptance status.

Form submission error.

Looking to promote transit to your attendees? This form will help create a trial ridership opportunity in exchange for Metro Transit being a transit sponsor for your event.

Note: To be considered for a Marketing Partnership, you must submit this form eight+ weeks prior to your event start date.

All fields required

Your contact infomation
Event Details
Tell us how having event-goers take transit would keep cars off the road and out of downtowns.
Describe your organization’s equity-based plan for engaging and promoting your event to underserved audiences.
Explain how your organization will actively promote transit to your event.
Provide an event summary including your attendance goals and expected results for diverse audience participation in your event.
Briefly explain why our organizations should partner together: (1500 characters remaining)
Transit service
Is there sufficient transit service to the event that would support your anticipated attendance?
Will alcohol be served/consumed at your event?
Promote transit app
I/We are willing to promote Metro Transit app and sharing of post-event data for analysis.