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Lake & Bloomington

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Lake & Bloomington

This plan communicates two core station components: the station intersection and the location of platforms within the intersection. Other preliminary design details are provided for additional context but are conceptual and will be finalized throughout detailed design. Existing conditions are shown below for reference.

Proposed Lake & Bloomington Station Plan

The proposed westbound platform is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue. The proposed eastbound platform is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue. Both platforms are proposed to be constructed with curb bumpouts. Each platform could result in the removal of 2-3 parking spaces; however, the same number of parking spaces could potentially be added where buses currently stop. The next westbound and eastbound stations are located 0.5 miles and 0.2 miles away respectively.

Existing Conditions

Existing Route 21 bus stops are located at the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue.

Read the full plan for more detail (PDF)