Go Greener with Metro Transit
Metro Transit is committed to providing transportation options that reduce energy use and harmful emissions into the environment.
Each time you Go Greener with Metro Transit, you reduce your impact on the environment and increase the green in your wallet. The AAA estimates that the real cost to drive one mile on average is 60.8 cents. At 15,000 miles per year, that adds up to $9,112 — almost seven times the annual cost of a monthly Go-To Card. Save for the future – in more ways than one – by leaving your car at home just a few times a week.
An average commuter produces several tons of emissions each year, affecting air quality and climate change. Driving alone burns fuel and produces exhaust to move only one person. Taking Metro Transit or sharing the ride in a carpool or vanpool produces just a fraction of emissions per person to cover those miles.
Buses and trains break up congestion on our roadways, moving people more efficiently. Buses and trains also free up space for other vehicles doing things like shipping goods or providing emergency services.
> Our vehicles
> Our facilities
> Additional Metro Transit resources on carpooling, vanpooling and bicycling
Metro Transit is a service of the Metropolitan Council – a founding member of The Climate Registry. The Climate Registry sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas emissions. Registry members assess, track and report emissions generated by their operations.
Ready to take the next step?
We'll come to you! Our Customer Advocates and Transportation Management Organization partners can help businesses, organizations and groups learn more about going greener. Get more details.