How many square miles do Metro Transit's buses and trains cover? How many commuter rail cars are there on the Northstar Commuter Rail line? And how many items arrive at Metro Transit's Lost & Found every year?
The answers to those questions — and much more — can be found in the 2012 Metro Transit Fact Book, now available online. Other numbers featured in the Fact Book include:
127 — the total number of Metro Transit routes, including the METRO Blue Line, Northstar and urban local, express and suburban bus routes.
30 million — the number of real-time departures requested using NexTrip in 2012.
12,360 — the total number of Metro Transit bus stops.
270 — the number of regional employers participating in the Metropass program.
The Fact Book provides an at-a-glance illustration of the growing Metro Transit system.
Recent profiles provide a more in-depth look at the growth. In its August issue, Minnesota Business gave a rundown of recent transit improvements and the impact they're having on local entrepreneurs. Community Transportation magazine also profiled Metro Transit in their story, "The Twin Cities' Transit Awakening."
> Mid-year Progress Report: On the Right Track
> About Metro Transit