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COVID-19 Updates

Heading back out to work, school, or other events? We’re here for it.

Metro Transit is ready whether you’re going back into the office, commuting to school, or doing whatever in your life is important. 

Safety is our first priority

We’re following state and public health guidance on reducing the spread of COVID-19. By federal mandate, masks are still required through April 18 – even if you are vaccinated – while riding transit. Please follow these other common-sense measures: Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer, please stay home if you are ill, and keep a safe distance from other customers and drivers. Get vaccinated as soon as you can.

Here are answers to your frequently asked questions

We know you have questions about what we're doing to keep you safe, and we've got answers. For details, check these Frequently Asked Questions.

Here’s what to expect when you’re onboard

Mask icon COVER IT UP 

The federal mask mandate that requires travelers on public transportation – buses, trains, and airplanes – has been extended through April 18, regardless of vaccination status. Children under age 2, or anyone with a disability who cannot safely wear a mask for reasons related to the disability are exempt.

Those who fail to comply may be subject to police enforcement.

Distance icon  SPACE IT OUT 

While capacity limits are no longer in effect, it's a good idea to spread out when possible on buses and trains and at stations and stops.

rear door icon  IN THE FRONT, OUT THE BACK 

Those who are able should leave buses through the back door to increase social distancing. It also eliminates crowding at the front of the bus.

Keep it clean icon KEEP IT CLEAN

Buses and trains are sanitized daily – every surface, every time. We use CDC-approved disinfectants with each cleaning.

We're also upgrading the air filters to improve circulation on light rail vehicles

Go to card icon MAKE IT TOUCH-FREE

Metro Transit encourages customers to avoid touching the farebox or card reader by paying with a touch-free Go-To Card or the Metro Transit app. Coins, tokens, dollar bills and passes are still accepted.


It’s important for Metro Transit employees and customers to work together to limit the spread of COVID-19. We’re In This Together!

Do your part

  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or a sleeve (and don’t leave anything behind, please).
  • Stay home if you are sick. If you are showing symptoms or suspect you might have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, don’t ride until you have consulted with a medical professional. COVID-19 testing is readily available and, in many cases, free.

For the latest information on Minnesota's response to COVID-19, visit

Other things we’re doing

APTA Health & Safety Commitments Program Participating System logo
  • Joining transit peers to learn more. We’re part of the American Public Transportation Association’s Health & Safety Commitment, pledging to work together to follow industry best practices for a safer ride. 
  • Safeguarding and supporting staff. As we ask customers to avoid transit when they are ill, we also ask all our employees to be vigilant about their health and the health of those around them. All transit employees must be vaccinated or take weekly tests to confirm their safety to work. 
  • Listening. If you have ideas about how we can do better, please tell us – we’re listening. 


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