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Commuter Choice Awards - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I nominate myself or my employer/organization/agency?

Yes, if you or your company/organization/agency has engaged in work that promoted sustainable commuting in 2019, you are strongly encouraged to submit a nomination. If this is your first time submitting a nomination, your area Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is a great source of information and advice.

Is it appropriate to nominate someone else or a company/organization/agency that is not mine?

Yes. However, it is recommended that you carefully read over the eligibility requirements for each category and confer with the nominee to ensure you are writing an accurate representation of their work.

Who attends the Commuter Choice Awards?

The Commuter Choice Awards brings together employers, building owners, property managers, human resources professionals, public officials and transportation advocates from all over the Twin Cities. It is an invitation-only event, although all employers, organizations, public entities and human resources professionals interested in sustainable commuting are encouraged contact their local TMO for information about attending.

What is the timeframe for programming or projects being eligible for the 2020 Commuter Choice Awards?

The 2019 Commuter Choice Awards recognizes programs and projects implemented during the 2019 calendar year (Jan. 1, 2019 – Dec. 31, 2019). If you are an employer, building owner or property manager, you can nominate yourself or be nominated for benefits, facilities and amenities available to employees or tenants before 2019, provided you maintained or improved upon them in 2019.

We spent 2019 planning for a program or project that will implemented in 2020; can we submit a nomination?

Unfortunately, eligibility for the 2020 Commuter Choice Awards is limited to programs and projects that were actually implemented during the 2019 calendar year (Jan. 1, 2019 – Dec. 31, 2019). We can’t wait to see your nomination for the 2021 Commuter Choice Awards!

What makes a good nomination?

Clear, concise explanation of what you did and the results. Photographs, diagrams, videos, and testimonials from those impacted are incredibly important and will go a long way in helping the judges understand your program or project. 

My employer is incredibly supportive of employees using sustainable modes and is also a government entity. Which category should I use – employer or government entity?

Employer, because it is the employees that have benefitted from the programs and policies you want to highlight. If you wanted to recognize your employer for an initiative that benefitted the community, you would submit a nomination in the government entity category. In instances where you’re not sure which category to use, focus on who benefitted from the program, policy or project.